Future Plus Industries is located in the Riyadh, KSA which is an extension to the parent company Future Plast Industries L.L.C. with state of art equipment’s from reputed supplier HUSKY for manufacturing PET Preforms to cater to the local market and to the neighboring GCC countries. The facility has a capacity of converting 700 MT of PET resin with around 70 M preforms produced per month. The facility is accredited with Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 version 4 of 2019 ensuring that all the products manufactured meets with Industry standards.
For further details, please contact:
Future Plus Industries L.L.C.
Second Industrial Area,
P.O.Box 355813, Riyadh 11383.
T: +966 11 265 1985
E: petinfo@enpigroup.com